GeoXpert x Mapxus : Reinvented Inspection in the AEC Industry
November 24, 2022
Asset inspection in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry has always encountered the following problems: labor intensive, slow, inefficient, not traceable and dispute prone.
GeoXpert, in collaboration with Mapxus, delivers GXBIM, an inspection solution that makes it easier to detect, collaborate and share in real time.
GXBIM offers features including but not limited to:
● Access building sites as if you were there, thanks to 360° imagery and BIM data.
● Easily record real-time inspection information with a tablet.
● Easily collaboration for anyone, architects, developers, contractors alike.
● Keep a digital record of every defect, and track progress directly with the responsible contractors.
And, with Mapxus indoor mapping technology, the information can be integrated and presented on a map, making it easier to identify the location of every inspection record.